
dead lions meaning


Why is a living dog ameliorate than a dead lion (Ecclesiastes 9:iv)?

living dog better than a dead lion


In Ecclesiastes 9:1–10, Solomon considers the unavoidable reality of expiry for every person. All people share this same destiny. Ultimately, our lives and the appointed solar day we will die are in God'southward hands (verses 1–three, see also Hebrews ix:27; Job fourteen:5); therefore, we must appreciate life and make the well-nigh of information technology while we still have jiff. Solomon observes, "But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living canis familiaris is better than a dead lion" (Ecclesiastes ix:4, ESV).

The fundamental to grasping the significant of certain Bible verses is understanding their cultural context, every bit in the example of Ecclesiastes 9:4. In ancient times, dogs were not cute and cuddly pets. Instead, they were looked down on with contempt and considered unclean, revolting scavengers (Exodus 22:31; 1 Kings 14:eleven; 21:nineteen, 23; Jeremiah 15:3; Psalm 22:16). Conversely, lions were esteemed every bit purple, valiant, powerful hunters (Genesis 49:nine; 2 Samuel 17:10; Proverbs 28:1; 30:30). Lions were the "king of beasts" who ruled and roared at the superlative of the food chain, while dogs crouched and groveled at the bottom.

The basic idea of a living dog is improve than a dead lion is that "as long as there is life, there is promise." Solomon used these 2 animals as symbols for 2 types of people—the lowly and the mighty. From an ancient-earth point of view, a living dog held no authorization or status only at to the lowest degree had the distinct advantage of life. A deceased panthera leo represented someone who may have in one case been formidable and influential but was now helpless and hopeless in decease. In Solomon'south reasoning, it was ameliorate to be live and powerless (yet still with hope) than dead, fifty-fifty if one time mighty and respected.

Since everyone dies in the stop, it'southward futile and foolish to spend our days in meaningless pursuit of things like power, fortune, and notoriety. Decease diminishes the majestic lion to a position below that of the living canis familiaris, to a state of nothingness (Ecclesiastes ix:5). We are amend off taking advantage of the fourth dimension we have left to evaluate our existence and reflect on our ain bloodshed.

Hope for the living begins with an awareness of life's brevity. A wise person will ponder the real purpose of life while he or she still tin. Before, in Ecclesiastes 7:2, Solomon stated, "It is better to go to a firm of mourning than to get to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should accept this to heart." When we face the reality of death, a natural upshot of attending a funeral, we are forced to contemplate our destiny. Thus, seasons of grief and mourning serve a valuable purpose—they remind u.s. to seize the twenty-four hours, to make the most of our lives while we even so have breath and hope (Psalm 39:4–7). No such possibility exists for the dead.

God gives the states one life—one priceless opportunity to know Him and receive His gift of salvation (Isaiah 55:6; 2 Corinthians 6:ii). If we never recall about expiry and our eternal fate, we volition probable miss the hazard to spend eternity with Him.

A living domestic dog is ameliorate than a dead king of beasts considering, for the lion, hope is dead. His once purple continuing is worthless in death. But the living canis familiaris still has hope. The living human can nevertheless come to know Jesus Christ every bit Lord and Savior and feel the hope of eternal life with God. As Christians, we are "born again to a living promise through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for y'all, who by God'southward power are existence guarded through faith for a salvation fix to exist revealed in the last time" (one Peter 1:3–5, ESV). The believer's hope is "an ballast for the soul, firm and sure," never to exist destroyed by death (Hebrews 6:13–20).

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Why is a living domestic dog better than a dead lion (Ecclesiastes 9:4)?

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